
Origin Heritage are specialists in providing and delivering professional archaeological advice and practical solutions for your development requirements. Any works which involve disturbance of a known or possible ‘archaeological site’ (any site where there is evidence of pre-1900 human activity) must only be undertaken in accordance with the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014. Additionally, some works can fall under the provisions of the Resource Management Act 1993, which states that the protection of historic heritage from inappropriate subdivision, use and development is identified as a matter of national importance (section 6f).


Origin Heritage’s archaeologists work within the guidelines of these Acts and can provide you with expert and tailored advice as to whether your site is an archaeological site and, if so, what you need to do to meet your obligations under the legislation. We prepare archaeological evaluations and assessments and will be able to give you pragmatic recommendations about your site. We may be able to suggest ways to avoid or minimise disturbance to any archaeological features there or, where this is not possible, we will be able to prepare an archaeological Authority application for you and guide you through the legal and on-site process.


We are highly experienced in undertaking site surveys, building recording, historic landscape assessments, archaeological monitoring and report preparation.  We can also help you with integrated design services for site interpretation, archaeological displays and publications to maximise the potential and value of your site.


Our Services Include:

  • Origin Heritage's archaeologists work within the guidelines of these Acts to provide expert and timely advice on the need for an archaeological assessment of effects and the identification of archaeological sites.

  • From this, we will be able to provide you with focused recommendations aimed at avoiding or minimising their disturbance and prepare any necessary archaeological Authority applications for developments where avoidance is not achievable. 

  • We are highly experienced in, and equipped to, undertake site surveys, building recording, historic landscape assessments, archaeological monitoring and report preparation.

  • Origin Heritage can also provide integrated design services for site interpretation, historic displays and publications to maximise the benefits of working on an archaeological site for clients.
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